Hooray! The Interconnect Challenge is complete. The entire route of approximately 320 miles was traversed in the name of alternative transportation and recreation planning. We hope everyone who participated has gained from the experience. The County's staff certainly has and we look forward to working with everyone we met as we continue. A HUGE thank you to all those who made this possible. We will be celebrating at Pub 317 in Bozeman on July 28th at 8:30pm. All are welcome to join us.
Friday, July 24, 2009
County Couthouse: Route Complete
Hooray! The Interconnect Challenge is complete. The entire route of approximately 320 miles was traversed in the name of alternative transportation and recreation planning. We hope everyone who participated has gained from the experience. The County's staff certainly has and we look forward to working with everyone we met as we continue. A HUGE thank you to all those who made this possible. We will be celebrating at Pub 317 in Bozeman on July 28th at 8:30pm. All are welcome to join us.
Miyuki Ushida
What a trooper! We love Miyuki, a community member who stepped up to ride both the first and last days of the Interconnect Challenge.
Wildlife Viewing and Plant Identification
On their way, the group stops at the favorite M hiking trail just outside Bozeman. While there they run into Gail Richardson, who is a member of the Gallatin County Planning Board. She was kind enough to share her concerns about nature viewing and the trails she would like to see while getting ready for a hike into the Bridgers via the M.
Final Leg: The Bridgers
Biking in Bozeman
After navigating the Main Street to the Mountains trail our riders arrive in classic Bozeman style to the Bozeman Public Library. After discussing the day's epic journey, enjoying some snacks, and meeting Mayor Kaaren Jacobsen the group sets off to enjoy the Clumsy Lovers at Music on Main. A few hearty souls from the day's events, including Kerry White from the Citizens for Balanced Use and Walter Becker from the Backcountry Horsemen also joined the end of the day festivities. Thanks to everyone who made this day possible. It was an amazing journey.
Horse Drawn to Bikes
Three Day Eventing
Joe explains a little about the Three Day Eventing he trains these warmbloods to be able to do. He also tells us about his training regiment for them, which includes 7 mile rides on our county roads daily. Juggling all the uses our roads serve will be an increasing challenge as this area continues to develop and change.
Horse Drawn Carriages
Buses, dirtbikes, whitewater kayaking and rafting, backcountry horseback and endurance riding just weren't enough. In order to highlight the active and enthusiastic Gallatin Saddle and Harness club, we also included horsedrawn carriages. Here Joe Yoder gets his team of four on the move.
Connecting Trails
Why not start your ride- bike or horse or otherwise- from your house? Here Kris Werner, member of GallEP, talks a little about how great it would be to get to Forest Service Trails from her house.
Say what you want about Arabs, these horses can move. Here some members of GallEP cruise along the Greenhills Ranch subdivision trail. What a thrill on a hot summer's day! Thanks to their speed we made it from the South Cottonwood Trail Head to Johnson Road (about 5 miles) in only twenty minutes. The horses reached speeds of up to 15 miles/hour on this leg.
Horses are beautiful and riding is a fascinating relationship between human and animal, however, it does come with a downside- how will we deal with pet poop as we plan our area's parks and trails?
Forest Service Trail 980 Now Open
The Backcountry Horsemen spend a great deal of their time clearing trails. Access to our public lands is very much thanks to them. Here Dan Marsh, Dan Porter and Walter Becker give some more details.
Backcountry Horsemen Arrive
Dan Marsh of the Backcountry Horsemen arrives in plenty of time despite the tight schedule. He was relieved to see the endurance riders were already getting set to go. The whole switching process went very smooth throughout the event, which helped in building trust despite the variety of different user groups. A big congratulations to all involved!
Backcountry Rendezvous

The Backcountry Horsemen meet up with The Citizens for Balanced Use where Forest Service Trail 980 turns from motorized accessable to non-motorized. With a handshake and a nod, the Backcountry Horsemen head to the South Cottonwood Trail Head with very little time to spare. The trail they travel on has not been open for 15 years. Thanks to their hard work to make this leg of the trip happen, it is now open again. Thank you so much, Backcountry Horsemen!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
House Rock Part I
The group guided by H2Obsession takes on House Rock and makes it through perfectly. A super ride!
Disabled Veterans
The above story is one example of the many touching and shocking stories of the disabled war verterans who joined us for this leg. Christopher Gross from Pompeii's Pillar, Montana retells the events that led to his injuries in Afghanistan in 2007. He joined us today with help from Woudened Warriors, a support program for disabled veterans, and Team River Runner, which "gives military veterans and their family members an opportunity to find health, healing, and new challenges through whitewater boating and other paddling sports." The group was an inspiring and moving addition to the Challenge and also led to highlight some of the needs of disabled and handicapped people.
Nordic Ski Concerns in an Unlikely Place
Kayaker Lilly Duford, though kayaking today, wanted to highlight the concerns of winter enthusiasts. In particular she explains the need to keep cross-country ski trails open and groomed for cross-country and nordic skiiers, snowshoers, and folks walking their dogs in the winter.
Whitewater Enthusiast Speaks Up
Kayaker David Schroeder explains the needs of whitewater enthusiasts along the Gallatin River. The Lava Lake Take Out and the Quake Lake section of the Madsion River, which may be slated for hydroelectric power, were his two main concerns.
Dirtbikes to Whitewater
Kerry White from the Citizens for Balanced Use explains about his route and shares a little about the challenges of route finding.
Getting Back to Bozeman
Day 4: West Yellowstone Foundation Bus
Happy Trails
Public Transit to West
Kate Willson, West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce Recreation Coordinator explains a little more about the need for public transit to West Yellowstone.
West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce Director, Mary Sue Costello
After sipping some gatorade and munching on bananas provided by the West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce, the group gets an education from the Director, Mary Sue Costello. Others in attendence included Mayor Pierre Martineau, several guides from Yellowstone Park, and Kate Willson, West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce Recreation Coordinator. Everyone had great input about needing better public transit between Big Sky and West Yellowstone. They also shared ideas about improving the area's recreation infrastructure.
Keeping the Blog Alive
4 Wheeler to West
After the hot slog down Highway 287, runner Montague was more than happy to turn the Challenge over to Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator for Gallatin County, when Citizens for Balanced Use member, Kerry White arrived with a four wheeler. The gohst trail along Highway 287 was certainly well-used, though, and it was clear that more than just cars get access to West Yellowstone along this unofficial route.
Wildlife Conflicts
Ada Montague, planner for Gallatin County, takes off running to complete the final stretch of Day 3, ending in West Yellowstone. The entire last leg along Hebgen Lake and bordering Yellowstone National Park is through prime bear and bison habitat. The conflicts that can arise between wildlife and recreationalists is another challegene that needs to be considered. In addition, the final part of the route was entirely along Highway 287. While the shoulder was sufficient for safety, the experience was less than ideal. The thought occured that possibly a trail connection between the Hebgen Lake community and West Yellowstone might be a good idea. However, it could increase the amount of wildlife conflicts.
Dirtbikes Make it to Hebgen Lake
Kerry White from the Citizens for Balanced Use explains how his trip down the Oil Well Trail went.
Backcountry Landing Strips
Not many people know about recreational pilots. These folks enjoy flying around to remote areas and landing on primitive airstrips. In the clip above Mike points out one such landing strip. While they are a user group that is often overlooked, their participation in parks and trails planning should not be.
Public/Private Partnerships
Mike explains a little about the history of private public partnerships to resolve user conflicts in the past. At one time, here in the Taylor Fork Drainage, an access dispute on a highly utilized public trail across private land threatened recreational users. While the owners of the Nine Quarter Circle (private land owner) could have easily closed out the public an agreement between the private land owners, Forest Service and user groups created a compromise that maintained recreational trail access for the people of the valley.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Behind the Scenes
The Grizzly Racing Team assesses their upcoming portion of the Challenge. With national racing trophies under their belts, these guys are no strangers to extreme racing conditions.
Grizzly Racing Team
Ousel Falls
Big Sky Trails
Run to Ousel Falls
Day 3 of the Challenge starts bright and early at the Big Sky Community Park where Sanderson Stewart steps up to sponsor the run to Ousel Falls. Wendy Weaver, a local long-distance runner joins the team in the above clip. Other locals involved include John Amsden, owner of Pub 317. The run is made easy with a great paved and natural fines trail along the road all the way to the park.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The End of the Trail
After a long day of bouncing around the county, the group is treated to a beer at the Lone Peak Brewery by Carol Collins. Morning Owl played as Mike concluded that, yes, all trails indeed must end somewhere. More tomorrow....
Big Sky Community Park
Skyline to Big Sky
Four Corners and Four Wheelers
Road Biking along Norris Road
A member of the Bozeman Master's Velo Cycling Team and another volunteer brought the Challenge into Four Corners. The two, both over 50, made the hilly, ~16 mile treck in just over an hour! The section was not without excitement and its own set of obstacles. Mike explains a little more about the specific needs of this increasingly popular sport.
Lettin' 'Em Run
The GallEP group lives up to its name giving their horses their head and cruising along the Madison River Road in the road right of way. While their trusty steeds did cover 18 miles in four hours, they did not quite make it to the Black's Ford Fishing Access in time to meet the road bike race team from Bozeman Master's Velo. The support vehicles collected the weary travlers and delivered them to a dip in the Madison River while transitioning to the bike section.
Access to the Lower Madison?
While traveling along Madison River Road the horseback group encountered deer flies, hot sunny conditions and a lack of access to the Madison River on state lands. Mike explains a little more in the above video clip.
Headwaters Trail
The Headwaters Trail goes from Three Forks to the Headwaters State Park. It is a prime example of a successful collaborative effort Federal, State, County and local government to construct a multi-use trail that accommodates the concepts of both recreation and transportation.
Leaving Three Forks this morning, the group of riders from GallEP learns getting around on a horse even on a trail can present its own set of challenges.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Manhattan Trail
Mike explains a little about the history of the Manhattan Trail running from the Four Corners Fishing Access west along Dry Creek Road into Manhattan.
Belgrade Planning
Planner Jason Karp met us in Belgrade and told us a little about trails and riding a bike in his area. As an avid road biker he could relate to the participants experience and the route they'd traveled.
Traffic Conflicts
Bikers and cars don't always get along. Here Mike explains how an updated trails plan for the county may help commuters of all types.
Rails to Trails
Mike talks a little about an old railroad right-of-way between Belgrade and Bozeman and the sizable impediments to using it as a connecting pedestrian route due to the purchase of portions of it by private land owners. The take home message is that oppertunities for creating infrastructure for pedestrian use are easily missed without careful planning and timely action.